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HOW TO GET HAPPY FAST & THE FUTURE OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE! Mo Gawdat | Health | Inspiration | Self-Help | Inspire



Brilliant, prophetic interview with the former Chief Business officer of Google X, Mo Gawdat (I love talking with Mo!), on how fast Artificial Intelligence is becoming smarter than us, what this means for our future, and how we can train artificial intelligence (and keep ourselves safe!!!) by working on our own happiness today! In essence, Artificial Intelligence is like a little child, watching and learning from what we do, not what we say...and very soon it will be much smarter than us...and soon enough, 1 billion times smarter than us. To keep ourselves safe and for humanity, we must "teach our children well". And to teach our AI children, we need to shift our focus toward kindness, compassion and happiness. And that's what we talk about too, how to shift our focus to happiness, how we can become happier today, and help others Solve for Happy as well!!! ----- Today I’ll be talking with Mo Gawdat, the former Chief Business Officer for Google X and the author of an incredibly touching and powerful book and t