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THE POWER OF THE DO-OVER & HOW TO TURN THINGS AROUND! CJ LIU | Health | Fitness | Inspiration | Self-Help | Inspire



If you’ve ever struggled to get things right, but wanted a second chance then do we have the we’re pregnant again, power of a do-over show for you! Today we’ll talk about overcoming fears, getting back on the horse, and trying again, until you get things right. The Power of the Do-Over Topics Include: How Jessica told Michael they’re pregnant again Why Jessica wants to tell the world – and what it has to do with what you bring about? How to bring the right energy to your baby? What it means to redo something large in your life? What we can learn for do-over? What Michael learned about doing over life – from a past-life regression? What does fear vs. love have to do with a do-over? What we learned about Jessica’s diet (and smoothies) for the do-over? What we can learn from our bodies? What it means to allow into “what is”? To Find Out More And for free meditations, weekly tips, stories and similar shows visit: