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HOW TO FEEL DIVINE LOVE - RIGHT NOW! Radhanath Swami | Health | Yoga | Inspiration | Motivation | Self-Help | Inspire



If you’ve ever wanted to feel more love in your heart and spirit all around you, then do we have the special show for you! Today I’ll be talking with Radhanath Swami a world-renowned spiritual leader and the best-selling author of The Journey Home, Autobiography of an American Swami, and the author of one of my new favorite spiritual books, The Journey Within. Today we’ll be talking about attaining divine love and living a more spiritual existence in each and every moment. That plus we’ll talk about cave dwelling in the Himalayas, the yoga of cooking, the secret of redwoods, hanuman’s tail, and what we can all learn from monkeys! Self-Help & Self-Improvement Topics and Questions Include: What happened to his mother with a monkey near Mumbai Understanding the monkey mind The importance of treating a sentient being with compassion and love In his first book, The Journey Home, how he tells the story of his travels to India and through the Himalayas, and how he spent time with a Saddhic Kaleshbaba, and what