Seeking Wisdom

#marketing Here’s The Secret To Coming Up With The Best Content Ideas Of Your Career



Struggling to come up with ideas for content? This episode is for you. DG breaks down how to reverse engineer great topics for podcasts, blog posts, videos, and more -- including a list of tools to use, including: Google Keyword Planner, BuzzSumo, Quora, Product Hunt, Amazon Reviews, and more. Get something out of this episode? Leave a 6 star review on Apple Podcasts and tweet @davegerhardt and @dcancel. If you're a fan of the show we would LOVE you to join us at HYPERGROWTH -- our annual conference at Drift. Tuesday 9/4 in Boston and Monday 9/24 in SF. You can get your tickets at with the promo code SEEKINGWISDOM for just $199 -- and that is the lowest price on the Internet just for SW fans.