Delight Your Marriage

166-Why He Became Romantic, Part 2 (Belah's Husband Tell's All)



I encourage you to first listen to Part 1 here. Today, you get to hear the gory details of how awful I was...from my husband. He is giving you all the dirt on me, for your benefit (hopefully!). There's a ton of mistakes I made that I thought was helping, but was actually driving a severe wedge between us. I was making it impossible for him to love me in the ways I was desperate for him to love me. God has taught me a ton in my marriage. But by God's grace, He continues to teach me. I thought I had it all figured out---but I had a lot more to learn. Through The Surrendered Wife book, I learned so much and I made important changes. But here's my journey of understanding, right from my own husband. In part 2, you'll hear what was really going on behind closed doors. All the big mistakes I made which was wreaking havoc on my marriage though I had no idea. Why my husband didn't want to go to weddings & social events that I so desperately wanted him to attend. How my insecurity caused my husband to be more ins