Delight Your Marriage

179-The Missional Marriagebed



Main Points: The safety and stability of a home is due to the spouses' generosity in the bedroom Making love is God's work. "Yes, God changed me. But he changed me through [our intimacy]." -my husband Gen 2:24 Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh. And the man and his wife were both naked and were not ashamed. God was talking about sex.' What a wife needs to make love is a man living out the fruit of the Spirit.    The Seduction Course Part 1 is released today!! Purchase now to have the most discounted price! (It will go up next Tuesday when I release Part 2!) I am SO excited to share this content with you. I think it will really get you to the place of implementing and doing, practically, those things that will really make you feel powerful. Because you will know that you know how to drive him wild.