Delight Your Marriage

191-Abuse: Boundaries



 When I work with women, I think the biggest problem is they don’t have boundaries.  And for them to slowly strategically come out of abusive relationships and cause their marriage to thrive instead of the abusive, they have to have boundaries. But it might not look the way you think it will look.   I grew up without boundaries myself. And So I never learned that I was responsible for me: my feelings, my thoughts, my choices, my property, my own things, my privacy... So naturally when I got married, I didn’t think I owned these things either.  And I didn’t think my husband did either.  Especially hearing the “two will become one flesh”, to me that meant that I owned him and he owns me. So  we had to be the same. However that doesn’t work.  How do you create boundaries in your marriage? How do you make sure those boundaries are respected? And should we always be “honest” with our husbands? I don’t think so necessarily.    I look forward to our conversation! — DYM is sponsored by my new business Couragess: Chri