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HOW TO GET POWERFUL GUIDANCE FROM THE INSIDE - FAST!!! CJ Liu & Michael Sandler | Health | Fitness | Inspiration | Self-Help | Inspire



If you’ve ever wanted to leap ahead in life, and move from a frog to a prince, or even a princess, then do we have the transformation show for you! Today we’ll talk about getting guidance from your intuition, how to know where you want to go, how to transform your life, and leap-frog to a new level! Inner Guidance System Self-Improvement & Self-Help Topics Include:  What can we learn from Julia Cameron and Morning Pages? How can Morning Pages help? What it means to tap into your creative self or creative source? What it means to get guidance from within? How can you start to tap into your inner guidance system? How to have Neale Donald Walsh Conversations with God conversations with yourself. What are non-dual tantric practices? What it means to surrender to Divine Will? What’s it mean to have Divine Will dictate to you? What does perspective and experience have to do with anything? What is automatic writing that Michael does? How does it help guide him? How can automatic writing be used for dream analys