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HOW TO GO FROM WHERE YOU’RE AT TO WHERE YOU WANT TO BE!!! CJ Liu | Health | Fitness | Inspiration | Self-Help | Inspire



If you’ve ever wanted to get from here to there, whatever that looks like in your life, then do we have the power of bridging gaps, show for you! Today we’ll talk about the law of attraction, invisible bridges, getting you where you want to go, and how to bring a welcome a new reality into your life! Bridging Gaps Self-Improvement & Self-Help Topics Include: What can we learn from the goose Olympics? How do we bridge gaps between where we are and where we get to go? How do we bridge gaps when it comes to our business? How do we bridge gaps when it comes to finances? What it means to be an energetic match? How do we raise our frequency to draw in what we desire in our lives (law of attraction) What is the law of emergence (from Derek Rydall)? What is the imaginal realm? What can we learn from our visualization work? What is alchemy? Why manifestation is always a two-step dance? Why structure is so important for creative types? What’s the importance of a specific vision? What exercise we can do at the star