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HOW TO EXTEND YOUR LIFE BY PROTECTING YOUR TELOMERES! Dr. Elissa Epel | Health | Fitness | Inspiration | Self-Help | Inspire



If you’ve ever wanted a longer, healthier, happier, life, then do we have the Telomere Effect Show for You. Today I’ll be talking with Elissa Epel, University of California San Francicso, Psychiatry Professor and the director of the Aging, Metabolism, and Emotions Lab, and the Center for Obesity Assessment, Study, and treatment, and the co-author of a brilliant new book, along with Dr. Elizabeth Blackburn, the Telomere effect. And that’s just what I want to talk with her about, about living younger, healthier, longer and happier! The Telomere Effect Self-Improvement & Self-Help Topics Include: Why do people age differently? What’s a healthspan and a diseasespan? What is senescene or the Hayflick limit? What are our telomeres? Can childhood effect our telomere length? What do shoelaces have to do with telomeres? What is telomerase? How does stress hurt our cells? How much stress is too much? What’s the challenge response? How do we develop a challenge response? What is distancing? What’s the biological da