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Sorry But Impostor Syndrome is Not Your "Super Power" with Valerie Young



Valerie Young is the leading global thought leader on impostor syndrome, she has spoken to hundreds of organizations, including Google, Pfizer, Coinbase, JP Morgan, Harvard, NASA, and the NBA. Her book is in 8 languages. Top 3 Value Bombs 1. Impostor syndrome is not your superpower. 2. The best of entrepreneurial thinking is also humble realistics thinking. To be a successful entrepreneur, you need to seek out information and constructive feedback that is going to make you continue to get better. 3. This is not all about you. Everybody loses when bright , talented and capable people plays small. The world’s No. 1 source of Impostor Syndrome Solutions - Impostor Syndrome Institute Sponsor YT 100 Email JLD to learn more about making YouTube magic in 100 days: [email protected]