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MASSIVE ENERGY CLEARING! Protect Yourself From The World's Fear, Anxiety And Chaos! Michael Sandler



No matter your party, country, or beliefs, you're likely feeling the frustration, fear, or overwhelm from the world today--even if you never watch the NEWS. Well, tonight, in this massive clearing event, we'll help you shed this frustration, clear the fear, and all of the negative energy stuck to you--that's not even yours, and get you back in a place of matter what. It's not your energy, so let's get it gone!   To find out more visit: - Order Michael Sandler's book, "AWE, the Automatic Writing Experience"  - Automatic Writing Experience Course - Michael Sandler's School of Mystics Join Our YouTube Membership for behind-the-scenes access - - Sign up for my FREE daily newsletter for high-vibration content. ……. Follow Michael and Jessica’s exciting journey and get even more great tools, tips, and b