English in Brazil Podcasts

Behind the Language #74 - Did TRUMP really not understand the Indian reporter?



In this episode of BTL, we will talk about accents, just like we did in Episode 5. However, the focus here is on what happened to the president of the United States. Did Trump need to understand the accents? Should he be versed in the Indian variant spoken by the reporter? Well, are you ready for this conversation? Let’s do it! Promoção de 5 Anos - English in Brazil - IMPIERDÍVELhttps://go.hotmart.com/T70926592F?ap=f580Pronunciation Mastershttps://go.hotmart.com/E74795312J English in Brazil Plushttps://go.hotmart.com/T70926592F SOS Viagemhttps://go.hotmart.com/I86476193C?ap=69e6PM Modi US Visit: Trump Dismisses Indian Reporter Over ‘Accent’ At Modi Press Meethttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ziIl8YprJ4E&t=156s