Food For Thought: The Joys And Benefits Of Living Vegan

Valentine’s Day: A Love Story Written by Birds



Love is for the Birds! In this episode, we explore the fascinating (and feathered) origins of Valentine’s Day. Long before Hallmark, medieval poets and BIRDS played a role in shaping this holiday of love. From Chaucer’s Parliament of Fowls to the first handwritten valentines and the rise of mass-produced cards, discover how nature, animals, poetry, history, and tradition intertwined to create the celebration we know today. Plus, a special thank-you to Plaine Products for sponsoring this episode! Tune in for a story of love, poetry, and—of course—birds. —————— Join our awesome community and support this podcast through Patreon or as an Apple Subscriber for bonus material, early access to episodes, and other perks, depending on the option you choose.  Support this podcast today at Visit my website: Join me on an all-inclusive vegan trip: AFFILIATE PARTNERS: Complement — Use this link ( and coupon code "joyfulvegan"