Kardec Radio Talk Shows

Kardec Radio for Kids: Stories from the Heart: Where does God Live?



Have you ever wondered where God lives? Have you ever what you can do to reach him? Did you ever wish that God had a "hotline" just for you? Did you ever think of throwing Jesus a birthday party? But, in the end, you don't know where God and Jesus live? Tune into Stories from the Heart with Carol and Mark for the answers to these very questions! For the first time in English, we translate Adeilson Salles' book "O Endereco de Deus"! Enjoy! And be prepared to sing Happy Birthday to Jesus!!! And wait, there's more! To celebrate Jesus' very own birthday, our story is now available on YouTube! Please go to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ElqcQqgYSlc to see the story come alive with images from the book, and more! Ready, set, go!