Food For Thought: The Joys And Benefits Of Living Vegan

Hair Loss and Hair Growth: How Nutrients, Genetics, and Hormones Impact Your Hair



Do I have a nutrient deficiency? Am I eating the wrong foods? Did I experience a stressful life event? Am I experiencing hormonal changes? Are my genes responsible? Do supplements work? Are treatments effective? Do topical remedies work? These are some of the questions we answer in today's episode on hair loss, especially as it pertains to women. Over the course of the next 90 minutes, we'll debunk the myths, explore the causes and solutions, and what role nutrients, genetics, and hormones play. Colleen shares her own personal experience with hair loss, her favorite hair products, and practical, proven ways to support healthy hair growth. Whether you’re dealing with hair thinning or just want to learn more, this episode is for you, especially if you're a woman. —————— Join our awesome community and support this podcast through Patreon or as an Apple Subscriber for bonus material, early access to episodes, and other perks, depending on the option you choose.  Support this podcast today at