In Conversation With Ux Magazine

What Is Life? with Blaise Agüera y Arcas



Blaise Agüera y Arcas, author and CTO of Technology & Society at Google, returns to the podcast to talk about his new work, What is Life?. This limited-edition, pocket-sized book is the first part of a larger print project with MIT Press and Antikythera titled What Is Intelligence?. What is Life? draws fascinating parallels between the life-building chemical reactions taking place in natural chimneys deep in our oceans and the work of Alan Turing and John von Neumann in the mid-twentieth century. Blaise joins Robb and Josh to explore how self-reproduction—and thus life—is inherently computational. This conversation delves into the nested nature of life on Earth and how technology is an extension of our evolution.You can buy Blaise’s books from Hat & Beard Press:Who Are We Now? Ubi Sunt In this episode, we mention:Blaise Agüera y Arcas’s work, “What is Li