Help 4 Hd Live!

The HD View with Margaret Gallardo from Mexico City



This show was pre-recorded. We wish to play this show today as Help 4 HD Director of International Affairs, Daniel Medina is in Mexico City right now visiting Margaret and her center.  Margaret D’Aiuto Martarano de Gallardo was born in California she become a nurse, meet and married her husband Dr. Luis Gallardo Ayala, and moved to Mexico. She has seven children and at the age of 61, her husband is given the news that he might have HD and he passed away in 1992. We are priviledged to interview this amazing woman of 90 years young about her trials and triumps over Huntington's disease and her life of love and commitment to help those who are suffering from Huntington's Diease. She is the Director of Asociación Mexicana de la Enfermedad de Huntington IAP in Mexico Hear her story on Help 4 HD Radio!