Help 4 Hd Live!

What's New With The Huntington Study Group (HSG)?



Listen in to hear more about The Huntington Study Group and what is coming in the near future.   Heather Hare, Director of Communications & Outreach at HSG, will be on the show today, along with Ann Nelson, a loving wife and caregiver for her husband, David. HSG was founded in 1993 as an organization within the University of Rochester and became a stand-alone 501(c)(3) non-profit in 2012. The Huntington Study Group facilitates high-quality clinical research trials and studies in Huntington’s disease; but that isn’t all they do! Today we will be discussing what HSG is, a few programs they have coming up and what to look forward to for HSG 2017. During this update we will get to hear from Ann about her and her husband David’s involvement with HSG. To get more info about current Huntington’s disease clinical research and trials, please go to . If you have any questions prior to the show,feel free to email Katrina: [email protected]