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Today's Caregiver



Gary Barg, founder and CEO to Today's Caregiver,, and Fearless Caregiver, began his journey in 1995, after returning home to help his mother care for his elderly grandparents. Overwhelmed by everything this entailed--finding a care home, dealing with insurance, etc.--he decided there needed to be one single source of information, advice, and support for caregivers. Gary founded the magazine Today's Caregiver and the online site to be that source. He also began hosting Fearless Caregiver conferences around the country and introduced a free online newsletter for caregivers. Today, Gary will share with us the many resources that Today's Caregiver and have to offer, as well as how to access those resources. The photos in this show's carousel, taken from the website, will give you a glimpse of the resources that are available.