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Dr. Wild is a Professor of Neurology at University College London, a Consultant Neurologist at the National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery in London’s Queen Square, and Associate Director of UCL Huntington’s Disease Centre. He runs clinics in general neurology, neurogenetic movement disorders and Huntington’s disease. He leads a team of researchers aiming to accelerate the development of new therapies to make a real difference for people impacted by Huntington’s disease. Dr. Wild believes that “Scientists have a duty to make their work accessible and understandable to the people who need it most.” So in 2010, I co-founded HDBuzz, an online source of reliable, impartial, easy-to-understand information about HD research. HDBuzz is now the world’s foremost HD research news source. In recognition of this, he was awarded the 2012 Michael Wright Community Leadership Award by the Huntington Society of Canada and the 2014 Research Award by the Huntington’s Disease Society of America (which is where I first