The Wealthy Speaker Talk Radio Show

Lack Creativity? Connie Harryman Will Help You Harness Your Creativity



Connie Harryman is a creativity developer, you're going to learn more about her during our exciting interview, Feb 24, 7:00 PM EST. She is the bridge between the theoretical concepts of creativity and the practical business applications needed in the corporate world. She empower others to create dreams and to create a vision to achieve their potential. She is able to break lofty concepts down to a nuts and bolts approach. As an added bonus, Dr. David Tanner, author of Igniting Innovation, Through the Power of Creative Thinking will be on the call as well. When the audience leaves, they have an action plan with steps to take to develop their creative thinking to thrive and survive during a tumultuous time. If someone is having a bad day, they should call her, because she is always full of gratitude and happiness for the life she leads. Join us on this creavtive call, dial (646) 595-4797 and join us on the web chat.