The Wealthy Speaker Talk Radio Show

DeLores Pressley, The Ultimate Motivator, Learn How To Inspire A Generation



On March 25, 7:00 pm, EST, you're going to have the DeLores Pressley Experience. DeLores is Founder and Principal of BornSuccessful this high achiever is the reason why she's our featured guest for Women's History Month. DeLores possess unique talents which allow her to deliver personal and professional experiences that consistently resonate with diverse audiences throughout America and around the world as she inspires and energizes them to take their confidence and success to the next level. DeLores is the recipient of numerous awards, most notably the Top Ten Business Owners by the National Association of Women Business Owners. DeLores has appeared on Oprah, Entertainment Tonight and a who's who of network television, learn how inborn potential is released, join us, March 25, at, call with questions (646) 595-4797 and join the web chat.