The Wealthy Speaker Talk Radio Show

Dr Laureen Wishom On Being Fit, Fine & Fabulous



Dr. Wishom visits The WealthySpeaker Show with host Paul Lawrence Vann to share how to use the 3 'Rs' to Make Yourself Fit, Fine and Fabulous Like many business people, Dr. Laureen Wishom toiled in corporate America, where she felt undervalued & unappreciated. She decided to leave the rat race to find her own way to success. Fourteen years later, she owns a stellar company & a dynamic program for success based on the 3R System where she shows high achieving people how to Re-Invent, Re-Imagine and Re-Emerge in career, business and life. Not only did Wishom reinvent her career and business, she made over her life including everything from losing 38 pounds to changing her wardrobe and office furnishings; to writing a book all with dramatic results. She went from "just professional" to a "wow" maven. Her proven system for success relies on being true to oneself, claiming one's own unique space and then 'Taking It to a Whole "NEW" Level" Listeners will achieve positive changes in their career, business an