The Wealthy Speaker Talk Radio Show

Jillian Coleman Wheeler on How to Get Grants for College



Jillian Coleman Wheeler visits The Wealthy Speaker Show with host Paul Lawrence Vann to share how to get grants for college and everything else!. Without nonprofits and the grant process, communities would struggle to provide services to our greatest assets, our people. Jillian is going to provide listeners with a unique perspective and behind the scenes look at what it takes to start a nonprofit, apply for and win grants. Depending upon the cause(s) you advocate for and or support, nonprofits and for profits apply for and receive over $300 billion in grant funding each and every year. The key for listeners interested in get their share of the billion dollar free money giveway is to understand how the process works. That's not all, Jillian will be introducing a new grant program, Education Grants which consist of seven (7) modules, it promises to be a game changer for nonprofits and individuals alike. For example, Jillians program consist of:  1. Overview 2. Federal Grants 3. Federal Loans 4. State Loa