
HWC-BTR Who's reading the Organon? 29 August 2010



HWC Group Organon aphorism §61 HAD PHYSICIANS BEEN CAPABLE OF REFLECTING ON THE SAD RESULTS OF THE ANTAGONISTIC EMPLOYMENT OF MEDICINES, THEY HAD LONG SINCE DISCOVERED THE GRAND TRUTH, THAT THE TRUE RADICAL HEALING ART MUST BE FOUND IN THE EXACT OPPOSITE OF SUCH AN ANTIPATHIC TREATMENT OF THE SYMPTOMS OF DISEASE ; they would have become convinced, that as a medicinal action antagonistic to the symptoms of the disease (an antipathically employed medicine) is followed by only transient relief, and after that is passed, by invariable aggravation, the converse of that procedure, THE HOMEOPATHIC EMPLOYMENT OF MEDICINES according to similarity of symptoms, must effect a permanent and perfect cure, if at the same time the opposite of their large doses, the most minute doses, are exhibited. But neither the obvious aggravation that ensued from their antipathic treatment, nor the fact that no physician ever effected a permanent cure of diseases of considerable or of long standing unless some homeopathic medicinal