

Day one is scary. It's scary to start something new because that inner voice comes out of the dark hole he hides in; he creeps behind you and says, "You'll fail. Give up while you still can." KA-PUNCH! That was me punching the doubting hobbit in the face. Why? Because this experiment is live baby! Let's step back to get the 10,000-foot view. So where is Alex at habits-wise before the experiment? Exercise: NOTHING Sex: About 2-3x per week Books: Maybe 1-2 books/month Keep listening to find out if I completed these habits and what lessons you can apply to your life.   Click here to access the Worksheet to help you Make or Break Any Habit   Show Notes The Power of Habit by Charles DuHigg - 67 Book Giveaway - Win 67 Books that will change your life to into glorious unicorn + triple rainbow awesome - Music provided by the generous and awesome Odesza [email protected]