

Don’t become Anakin Skywalker ­ - don't become an absolutist:  trying to get rid of everything. The body will recoil and backlash at you for making such a drastic change Find the ONE Thing ­ look for the one thing that consistently breaks your change, maybe it’s Facebook or ice cream Tag the Tiger ­ identify fear, call it by name, write it down. Fear likes to be unidentifiable. I think of the Blair Witch Project ­ we didn’t know what we really were afraid of, we didn’t see the monster Notes: What do you think? Email me at [email protected] Where there is a Will, is there a Way? Effects of Lay Theories of Self­Control on Setting and Keeping Resolutions Follow me on Twitter and Periscope: @itsalexbarker  Join Our Facebook Community Rate and Review the Show (send me an email and I’ll send you a book of your choice!) Subscribe on iTunes Join our Newsletter Music provided by the generous and awesome Odesza