

Today,  I share the results of season one, lessons learned the hard way, and what’s to come next Habit’s report: 55 days of push ups (83.3%) 51 days of jumping jacks (77.3%) 55 days of one book a day (83.3%) Habits that started after day 7: 58 days of writing minimum of 50 words a day (58/59 = 98.3%) 53 days of 1 pull up minimum (53/59 = 89.8%) Stats on the show: 72,000 downloads (Average of 67 episodes: ~1075 downloads/episode) over 600 joined the inner circle 70 ratings on iTunes Lessons Learned from 66 Days: Triggers are essential Motivators ­ possibly overrated Accountability is underrated A Guide would have been helpful Need longer lead time - Next season will be likely a 5x or 6x a week show I’m making this guide if you’d like to make change in your life over 35% off before August 27th sign up at Future episodes: Reveal a tactic that opens up doors where I thought shut Also I get feedback from a voice talent consultant Notes: What do you think? Email