Antitrust: Cryptocurrency



It's been a wild past few years for cryptocurrency. And these days, while Bitcoin still takes up the spotlight — there are so many different alt-currencies that have sprouted up, too. Some of them even spired by memes and television shows. But, is this all a good thing or a bad thing? On one hand, cryptocurrency has some serious upside. For unstable economies, it provides the stability needed for their market to thrive — despite its own volatility. Its decentralized governance, by design, makes it a virtual currency that we can trust, in a sense. And its privacy and security features are meant to make it less susceptible to fraud and corruption.  But there are some drawbacks that are just as big. It's not completely susceptible to fraud — and one recent rug-pull scam saw billions of dollars in paper value disappear in an instant. Bitcoin miners also end up using more energy in a matter of minutes than most tech companies use in an entire year. And some of cryptocurrency's biggest power users are members of se