Go Green Radio

What Every North American Should Know About Rare Earth Minerals and Metals



According to my guests today, we may be witnessing the dawn of a new industrial revolution. But instead of raw ingredients like coal, steel, and lumber, this century’s boom is likely to be fueled by lithium, tantalum, vanadium, and a host of other rare earth minerals and metals. These are the elements that will make possible infinite vs. finite energy technologies, medical device advances, and communication capabilities that will touch all people around the globe. Because these elements are only feasible to mine from a few places on earth, there is the distinct possibility that supply of rare earth materials could become inequitable – if not contentious, and hence, the opportunities for countries to be part of the new global economic boom could be severely limited. My guests today are Ron MacDonald, former member of the Canadian Parliament, and Executive Chairman of Critical Elements Corporation; and Jean-Sébastien Lavallée, President & CEO of Critical Elements Corporation. We will discuss breakthroughs i