Go Green Radio

Renewable Energy – Follow the Money



It comes as news to no one that the energy industry is the most profitable on Earth. Based on their rise to prominence in the 20th Century, the annual earnings of the top five oil companies alone (ExxonMobil, BP, Shell, Conoco Philips, and Chevron) are now measured in the hundreds of billions of dollars. In his new book, Following the Money, Craig Shields presents a set of interviews with subject matter experts who discuss the effects that economics and financial power have on the course of the world’s energy policy. If it is true that we need a radical change in our approach to transportation and energy so that we can forge a sustainable path to consumption of resources here on Earth, it will only happen with action by a large, informed electorate of people who understand and honestly care what’s going on around them. Tune in, and become part of the informed electorate!