Go Green Radio

Green Schools National Conference Highlights



The Green Schools National Network held its annual conference in Sacramento, CA in late March 2014, and I had the chance to interview some of the leaders on the GSNN Advisory Board. On todays’ episode, you’ll hear from Stephen Ritz, the teacher behind the Green Bronx Machine (http://greenbronxmachine.org) who gained national notoriety after his TED talk (http://youtu.be/RF6qTlgtHU0). Michael Ferraro, CEO of Growums (http://growums.com/), was one of the conference sponsors. You’ll hear from Bill Orr, Executive Director of the Collaborative for High Performance Schools (http://www.chps.net/); Jaimie Cloud, founder of the Cloud Institute (http://cloudinstitute.org/); and Rachel Gutter, Director of the U.S. Green Building Council’s Center for Green Schools (http://www.centerforgreenschools.org).