Go Green Radio

Live in a Home that Pays You Back



With social and economic benefits that are plentiful, more efficient homes mean the quality of citizens' lives are improved, reducing costs and bettering both public health and the environment. Today’s homeowners want sustainability—not just for home construction features, but to maintain long-term affordability as well. With an energy-efficient home, the true cost of homeownership is lower due to reduced utility costs, longer-lasting appliances and construction materials, and less maintenance and repairs. Tune in as we talk with Anna DeSimone, author of the new book, “Live in a Home that Pays You Back: A Complete Guide to Net Zero and Energy-Efficient Homes.” We will discuss the health benefits of an energy-efficient home, small steps homeowners can take today on their path to reducing their carbon footprint, to how to roll-in the retrofit costs in a mortgage, and everything one needs to make informed decisions for implementing energy-efficient technologies according to their needs and budget.