Authentic Living

The Oneness Gospel



We talk about Oneness a lot. In fact, even in some circles where New Age/New Thought has not pervaded, there is mention from time to time about this idea that we are all one. But how do we bring Oneness into every living experience? Well, our guest today has come to tell us how to do just that. She is Charlene Proctor, PhD, an ordained minister of Spiritual Peacemaking and a deeksha facilitator trained by the Oneness guides from Fiji and India. She’s the bestselling author of three books, including Let Your Goddess Grow!, The Woman’s Book of Empowerment, and the topic of today’s show, The Oneness Gospel: Birthing the Christ Consciousness and Divine Human in YOU. Charlene is comfortable bridging the gaps between all of the various world religions. So, it doesn’t matter what your flavor is, if you’d like to know how to embrace Oneness in your daily experience, don’t miss this show.