Sound Health Options - Ttmg & Sharry Edwards

Sound Health Options with special guest Eric Maisel PhD



Eric Maisel, a creativity coach and columnist, and wife Ann Maisel (authors of BrainStorm: Harnessing the Power of Productive Obsessions) have collaborated on a self-help book with an intriguing twist: that the right kind of "productive" obsession is not only desirable but an essential feature of creativity. This may offer explanation as to why recovered autistics often lose their creative genius as we strive to move them toward “normal”. The process of nurturing productive obsessions, the authors believe, is at the heart of how we value life and find purpose. It goes beyond simple stimulation, neat ideas, or interesting hobbies. By "investing meaning," in our ideas, we can move from mere interest to "the meaningfulness of authentic engagement." All too often people overlook the basics of a productive life, distracted by multitasking, marketing, and information overload. With this provocative departure from the usual lifestyle manual, the Maisels are out to break us of those tendencies and show us