Sound Health Options - Ttmg & Sharry Edwards

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Is Pelosi trying to scare everyone with her huff and bluff again? Did Nancy really say unemployment creates jobs? Did she really encourage artists to quit their jobs and draw unemployment? The latest from James Marshall's fight against Roche, makers of Accutane. Lady Gaga. Is she really sexually restrained or is this just another skin flick gimmick? Dengue Fever? There's an outbreak in Florida. We will be releasing the frequency based antidotes. What is the intention behind the mosque for Michael Bloomberg? Join us for the video broadcast from the invite below LIVE from 12-1pm EST! ------- To join the online meeting (Now from the Apple iPhone (R) too!) --------- 1. Go to 2. If requested, enter your name and email address. 3. If a password is required, enter the meeting password: Sunday1 4. Click "Join". To view in other time zones or languages, please click the link: https://soun