Sound Health Options - Ttmg & Sharry Edwards

Obama’s hidden mosque agenda!



Obama's hidden mosque agenda! Vice President Biden's prediction for November, does he believe his own words? Who's behind the epidemic of wheat allergies? Is there something that can be done about the adulteration of our food supply? What Amino Acid has been so abused as part of our food supply that it is now the cause of arthritis, Crohns and Celiac disease, diabetes, autism, fibromyalgia, Multiple Sclerosis, Stiff Man's Syndrome, brain signaling, vaccination risk factors, Parkinson's, ALS, aspartame sensitivity, MSG intolerance and allergies? Who is offering Star Trek medicine today that was available to our ancestors thousands of years ago? What do we know about former president Ronald Regan that could have made his last days easier? Why were Lady Gaga and Paris Hilton shows more popular than life threatening issues? "BioAcoustic Biology is too brilliant and too ahead of its time. It is beyond our most brilliant scientists; even some of our visionary thinkers can't wrap their mind around this Star Tr