Sound Health Options - Ttmg & Sharry Edwards

BlogTalkRadio with Guest: Renee Allman



Renee Allman, wife of actor/composer/musician James Marshall, will be with us to provide the latest update of what James has gone through due to Accutane (poisonous pharmaceutical) damage.  Renee operates an alternative healing practice in Los Angeles that includes BioAcoustics and the Rife-based BeamRay.  Her interest is in helping people on the West Coast deal with the Radiation threats from Fukushima; the latest about Lyme's Disease (it isn't always from ticks) and her special work with kids. This will be an audience participation show - bring your questions.  This is the chance to learn about the latest Accutane trial, first-hand.  Email your questions for Renee to [email protected].  Click below to join: