Sound Health Options - Ttmg & Sharry Edwards

IRS Agent -Reveals IRS secrets!



Whistle Blower -Sherry P. Jackson is a retired Certified Public Accountant (CPA), Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE) and a former IRS Agent. Sherry was thrust into the national spotlight, for taking a stand against government theft and landed in Federal Prison, for 3 years. Sherry will be discussing one of her many books "How to stick it to the IRS", where she teaches business owners and individuals how to prevail in an audit and prepare in such a way, that can stop them from coming to audit you,again. •What IRS agents and auditors learn when they are in training, discovering how to conduct audits. •How the IRS selects businesses to audit, the procedures they use and how they think •Red flags that pop up on business and individual tax returns and more! •Helpful Secrets & strategies that will help you hold your ground and know what to do and what not to do, when you are selected for an audit. This is also for new start-up businesses and ordinary people, that want to avoid trouble from the beginning, and