Sound Health Options - Ttmg & Sharry Edwards

Are You Suffering? There Really Is, Hope Available !



As an infant, Lynne Cockrum-Murphy survived a tragic house fire that claimed her father and two sisters and left her with severe burns over much of her body. She lived most of her life with a severely depressed and alcoholic mother, who shared with Lynne at five years old her thoughts of suicide. She lived through her stepfather being crushed to death in a logging accident and her mother being murdered in a bar-room robbery. After all she has been through Lynne is radiantly happy and living a life of pure service to the world, don’t you think she can teach us a thing or two? She is here today with her new book 'Living Hope: Steps to Leaving Suffering Behind' an Amazon #1 best seller, talking about how she went from hopelessness to hope. This is the woman you want at your side when you are in such deep pain and chronic misery that you don’t see the way out. And can’t understand why bad things keep happening to you or other “good” people you love. Today, Lynne is an intuitive consultant specializing in br