Sound Health Options - Ttmg & Sharry Edwards

HH • The Unknown Disease Haunting Millions: LIPOEDEMA



In general, Lipoedema is a poorly understood disease in the United States; statistics show it is markedly under-diagnosed in this country. Lipedema is a painful fat disorder that, if untreated, can cause multiple health problems leading to mobility issues.   The quality of life, emotionally and physically, for a Lipedema patient often suffers because the disease is typically dismissed as simple obesity. How often have you seen a woman who appears to be a size 8 or 10 from the waist up and a size 18 or more from the waist down with unusually large, column-like legs?  Women who have this body profile more often than not are exhibiting classic early stage Lipoedema. As Lipoedema progresses, fat will increase in the lower body.  Unfortunately, Lipedema patients tend to gain weight in the lipedemic areas, and can only lose it in the non-lipedemic areas. Even bariatric surgery will only result in fat loss primarily from the waist up. Lipedemic fat cannot be exercised or even starved away. Information used from w