The School of Greatness with Lewis Howes

799 Wim Hof: Master Your Body and Heal the Mind



RELAX. How often do you say, “I’m just going to get through the day.” You’re running on adrenaline. But it’s not sustainable. If you’re not relaxed, you’re not breathing. If you’re not breathing, you’re not getting oxygen. It’s a loop. You’re going to be exhausted all the time. On today’s episode of The School of Greatness, I talk about the power of breathing to heal our mind and body with a man known as “The Iceman:” Wim Hof. Wim Hof got his nickname “The Iceman” by breaking a number of records related to cold exposure. His feats include climbing Mount Kilimanjaro in shorts, running a half marathon above the Arctic Circle on his bare feet, and standing in a container while covered with ice cubes for more than 112 minutes. He developed the Wim Hof Method: a natural path to an optimal state of body and mind. He says that our brains have the power to guarantee us happiness, strength, and health. We can actually regulate our mind and the autonomous nervous system by breathing and being present. Shut Up. Go in. F