The Chick Whisperer Podcast

What Kind Of Dating Advice Is Given To Women? - MTP152



Ever wish you could be a fly on the wall when women are being coached on how to get a guy? Well, wonder no more. My guest is Scott McDougal, a renowned dating coach to women all over the world. The first fact about Scott that will warm your heart is he hasn't sold out the entire male gender in order to cozy up to angry, dateless women. Instead, he gives them the truth they need to succeed. So...what ARE women being taught about men nowadays? Why are women's first date expectations so high? What's up with women feeling more entitled in general? How does being referred to as 'goddesses' and focus on the 'divine female' affect women's interactions with us as men? What part have women played in the demise of dating as we know it? Have women actually been coached to write those vapid, demanding online profiles of theirs? And if women really dislike being objectified for their looks, why do they post so many sexy pictures? What are the most frequent dating and relationship questions women ask? How are women reconci