The Chick Whisperer Podcast

I Want It All - MTP235



The American Dream is often thought of as being all about achieving, acquiring and outperforming. Bigger, faster, better, more, more more. Indeed, when John D. Rockefeller was once asked how much money is enough, his answer was, 'just a little more'. My guest this time is Robert Althuis, author of Never Enoughitis, who has long since recognized how all of this is really just one big psychological trap. His mission is to redirect us from the treadmill of endless expectations regarding achievement and acquisitions and on to something much more fulfilling. Now, it may be true that you may have already risen above the need for '80s style 'conspicuous consumption' or keeping up with the Joneses. But that's only the tip of the iceberg. Many of us grew up with parents who pushed us to succeed, and 2nd place or a B+ wasn't an option. Meanwhile, in the midst of the ratrace, we never actually get to do what we really want. We grow up never satisfied, even though we keep trying harder and harder. Are we doomed to this c