The Chick Whisperer Podcast

Making Peace Leads To Making Love - MTP343



Co-Host Doug Noll ( It's not uncommon for us as men to imagine ourselves as warriors. But the wisest warriors know a valid war isn't about the fighting, it's about the peace at the end. Even soldiers are often tasked as peacekeeping forces. Popular guest Doug Noll returns to discuss how we as men are actually at our best when we're peacemakers. This guy works in maximum security prisons teaching murderers how to be exactly that, with great you know he's on to something. Indeed, Doug hits the ground running with a full-scale explanation of why violence is perhaps the least evolved of possible masculine responses. And when it comes to keeping peace with the women in your life, wait until you hear Doug explain his genius concept of 'listening your girlfriend into existence'. Then, hang in there for Doug's explanation of how another concept can help propel your career as well as your relationships with others, including women. Next, what are the fascinating ways yo