The James Altucher Show

How to Take Control of Your Health Beyond DNA Destinies with Naveen Jain



A Note from James:"Oh my gosh. What a podcast with Naveen Jain. I first had Naveen on in 2014 or 2015, and he remembered it perfectly. That conversation was so fun, I still remember it like it was yesterday. It's crazy because I've done over 1,500 episodes, but that one stuck with me.Back then, we talked about Moon Express and his journey building rockets to the moon. Now, almost ten years later, Naveen has built several other companies, including Viome, which uses cutting-edge technology to analyze your microbiome and help people live longer healthier lives. Today, we're talking about his new book, The Youth Formula: Outsmart Your Genes and Unlock the Secrets to Longevity.At first, I'll admit, I was tired of hearing about longevity-everyone seems to be saying the same thing-but Naveen has such a unique take on it. We got into everything: from the role of microbes in our health to fecal transplants (yes, really) and how bacteria can influence personality traits. It was fascinating. We even talked about how ch