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Ellen Bass: Ellen Bass on the Power of Poetry in Your Life



Please Support The Show with a DonationEllen Bass is a Chancellor of the Academy of American Poets. Her work has won award after award and rightly so - there's something so powerful, beautiful, true and often times darkly funny in her work. She says that writing poetry - as well as reading it - is an inquiry more than a description. Isn't that an interesting perspective to consider?  In this episode, you'll hear her read some of her work, share her insights and experiences in life, talk about the process of writing poetry and offer some ideas that perhaps you had not considered before - especially in the way she does. Regardless of whether or not you think of yourself as a lover of poetry, you'll be touched by this episode.She is the author of Like a Beggar, The Human Line, Mules of Love, and The Courage to or text oneyoufeed 500-500 to get a free book and get $50 toward select mattresses promo code: oneyoufee