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Adyashanti on the Process and Experience of Awakening (part 1)



Please Support The Show with a DonationAdyashanti is a renowned and gifted spiritual teacher. He's written many books, hosts meditation retreats and speaks around the world to large audiences at a time. With such a wide audience, it's amazing that when you experience Adya's teaching, it's as if he's speaking directly to you - to your very heart. Whatever your experience with or preconceived notions of spiritual awakening, allow yourself to re-engage with the idea through this interview. As you turn the inquiry towards yourself this time, you may be surprised, moved and/or transformed by what you find - if you are brutally honest in the process.our inner life. Visit to learn more about our personal transformation program. In This Interview, Adyashanti and I Discuss...Eric's awakening experienceThe awakened state in perpetuityThe shift in perception that happens with awakeningThe paradox of wanting something like awakening yet wanting it stands in the way of having itWill