The One You Feed - Learn Good Habits To Increase Mindfulness And Happiness And Decrease Anxiety And Depression

How to Find Hope and Kinship with Father Greg Boyle and Fabian Devora



Father Gregory Boyle is an American Jesuit priest and the founder of Homeboy Industries in Los Angeles, the largest gang-intervention, rehabilitation, and reentry program in the world. He has received the California Peace Prize and been inducted into the California Hall of Fame. In 2014, the White House named Boyle a Champion of Change. He received the University of Notre Dame’s 2017 Laetare Medal, the oldest honor given to American Catholics. He is the acclaimed author of Tattoos on the Heart, Barking to the Choir, and his latest book,  Forgive Everyone Everything. Fabian Debora is the artist and illustrator of the book, Forgive Everyone Everything. His work has been showcased in solo and group exhibitions throughout the US and abroad.  Fabian served previously served as a counselor and the Director of Substance Abuse Services & Programming and a mentor at Homeboy Industries in Los Angeles and is now the Executive Director of Homebody Art Academy. But wait, there’s more! The episode is not quite over!! W